Monday, November 10, 2008

Library Print Resource Guide for the Grammar modules

Note: This guide is a list of resources the Library holds and proposes for the purposes of the Grammar courses

Print Resources: Next to each book title there is the call number in the parenthesis so you can locate the book on the library shelves. If you still have a problem you can always ask at the reference desk.

Boukouvalas, John. Getting to Cambridge. Athens : Boukouvalas, 1995(428.24 Get)

Bozini, Agapi. Methodology and teaching practice. Thessaloniki, Greece : CODEX publications, 1994 – (Ref 428.24 Boz)

Dixson, Robert James. Grammar essentials : graded exercises in English. White Plains, NY : Longman, c2004 (RES 428.2 Dix)

Eggenschwiler, Jean. Writing : grammar, usage, and style. Lincoln, Neb. : Cliffs Notes, c1997 – (REF 808.042 Egg)

Hacker, Diana. Rules for writers : a brief handbook. New York : St. Martin's Press, c1985 – (808.02 Hac)

Hacker, Diana. A writer's reference. 3rd ed. Boston : Bedford Books, c1995
(REF 428.2 Hac)

Hairston, Maxine. The Scott, Foresman handbook for writers. 6th ed. New York : Longman, c2002 – (808.042 Hai)

Murphy, Raymond. English grammar in use : a reference and practice book for intermediate students. 2nd ed. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1994
(428.2 Mur)

Soars, Liz. Headway. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 1991 (RES 428.24 Soa)

Soars, Liz. New headway English course. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 1996
(RES 428.24 Soa)

Soars, John. New headway English course Pre-Intermediate student's book. [Oxford] : Oxford University Press, 2000 – (CAS 428.24 Soa)

Soars, John. New headway English course Upper-Intermediate student's book. [Oxford] : Oxford University Press, c2005 (RES 428.24 Soa)

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