Friday, December 12, 2008

Citations: Print sources

These are basic guidelines to form proper citations for books. If you need any further clarifications please do not hesitate to ask!

A Book by a Single Author

REVERSE the AUTHOR’S NAME for alphabetizing

Write the title of the book and italicize

Publication information to include: Place of publication: Publisher and Year of publication


Buck, Pearl S. The Good Earth. New York, N.Y.: Washington Square Press, 1958.

A Book by Two Authors

  • Give authors' names in same order as on the title page.
  • Reverse the name of the first author only, add a comma, and
  • Give the other name(s) in normal form.


Tyson, Shaun, and Alfred York. Human Resource Management. Oxford: Butterworth - Heinemann, 1996.

A Book by Three or More Authors

  • Reverse the name of the first author ONLY
  • Add a comma and write the name of the second author then
  • add comma the word AND and the name of the third author


Barry, Peter J., John A. Hopkin, and C. B. Baker. Financial Management in Agriculture. Danville, Illinois: Interstate, 1995.


Lansdale, Bruce M. Cultivating Inspired Leaders: Making Participatory Management Work. West Hartford, Conn.: Kumarian Press, 2000.

State TITLE in FULL, INCLUDING any SUBTITLE. If the book has a subtitle, put a colon directly after the main title

In both titles and subtitles, CAPITALIZE the FIRST WORDS

ITALICIZE the entire title including the subtitle.

A Book Published in a Second or Subsequent Edition

When using a later edition of a work, identify the edition by number (2nd ed., 3rd ed.) or by name (rev. ed.)


Parker, Charles, and Thomas Case. Management Information Systems: Strategy and Action. 2nd ed. New York: Mitchell McGraw-Hill, 1993.

Encyclopedias and dictionaries

Cite the piece as you would in any other work in a collection but do not include the publisher information.

If the article is signed, give the author first; if it is not give the title first.

If the reference book is organized alphabetically, as most are, you may omit the volume or the page number of the article or item.

Encyclopedia example:

Mohanty, Jitendra M. “Indian Philosophy.” The New Encyclopaedia Britannica: Macropedia. 15th ed. 1987.

“Mandarin.” The Encyclopedia Americana. 1994 ed.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Library Print Resource Guide for the Grammar modules

Note: This guide is a list of resources the Library holds and proposes for the purposes of the Grammar courses

Print Resources: Next to each book title there is the call number in the parenthesis so you can locate the book on the library shelves. If you still have a problem you can always ask at the reference desk.

Boukouvalas, John. Getting to Cambridge. Athens : Boukouvalas, 1995(428.24 Get)

Bozini, Agapi. Methodology and teaching practice. Thessaloniki, Greece : CODEX publications, 1994 – (Ref 428.24 Boz)

Dixson, Robert James. Grammar essentials : graded exercises in English. White Plains, NY : Longman, c2004 (RES 428.2 Dix)

Eggenschwiler, Jean. Writing : grammar, usage, and style. Lincoln, Neb. : Cliffs Notes, c1997 – (REF 808.042 Egg)

Hacker, Diana. Rules for writers : a brief handbook. New York : St. Martin's Press, c1985 – (808.02 Hac)

Hacker, Diana. A writer's reference. 3rd ed. Boston : Bedford Books, c1995
(REF 428.2 Hac)

Hairston, Maxine. The Scott, Foresman handbook for writers. 6th ed. New York : Longman, c2002 – (808.042 Hai)

Murphy, Raymond. English grammar in use : a reference and practice book for intermediate students. 2nd ed. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1994
(428.2 Mur)

Soars, Liz. Headway. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 1991 (RES 428.24 Soa)

Soars, Liz. New headway English course. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 1996
(RES 428.24 Soa)

Soars, John. New headway English course Pre-Intermediate student's book. [Oxford] : Oxford University Press, 2000 – (CAS 428.24 Soa)

Soars, John. New headway English course Upper-Intermediate student's book. [Oxford] : Oxford University Press, c2005 (RES 428.24 Soa)

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

How to navigate this blog

The above image describes the main body of a post. A post is a small article and its content can include images and sound and links to other web sites. All posts in a blog are presented in reverse chronological order. Blog readers can submit their comments, usually relating to the content of the post uploaded by the blog administrator. To leave a comment you can click on the Comments link which is under the post text. At the bottom of each post there are labels. Labels are words the blogger administrator uses to describe the content of a post.

On the right hand side of the posts in this blog there is a column. Depending on the template the blog administrator chooses there could be two or three columns. On the first part of this column, as illustrated above, you can read some information regarding the profile of the blog administrator (or blogger) and also miscellaneous links relating to the Library and the American Farm School.

On the second part of the column you can see Delicious bookmarks. Delicious is a social bookmarking service that substitutes the function of Favorites in a personal computer. Thus, someone can save his/her favorite links in a social bookmarking service and checks them from any computer that has internet connection. In the case of this blog you can find interesting articles regarding your field of instruction. Click here for more information on Delicious
In this column you can view a monthly archive of all posts written thus far. Finally, there is also a list of the labels used to describe posts. Next to each label there is a number in parenthesis which signifies the number of times this label has been used to describe the content of a post.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Get to know us better

Although we introduced ourselves officially through various library orientation sessions, this is a good opportunity to refresh your memories of who we are and what we do. So here is the line up!

Vicki Syroglou-Bouki
Head Librarian
tel. 2310 492 889

Damiana Koutsomiha
Librarian, Collection Development and Reference
tel. 2310 492 883

Fotini Traka
Librarian, Cataloging & Retrospective Conversion
tel. 2310 492 881

Sissy Bamba
Library Assistant, Acquisitions
tel. 2310 492 880

Evi Gkaragouni
Library Intern

Undergratuade of the Technological Educational Institute of Thessaloniki, Department of Library Science and Information Systems

Nancy Birk
Archivist, Professor Emerita Kent State University
Mrs Birk is offering her volunteer services towards the organization and digitization of the American Farm School Archives

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Welcome to our blog

Welcome to the blog of the Dimitris & Aliki Perrotis Library. This weblog is an effort to inform and disseminate important library-based resources to its users. A blog (short for Weblog) is a website with entries posted regularly. The latest post appears at the top, so you can quickly see what is new.

The library contains around 8.000 books and provides access to over 4,500 e-journals, as well as 65 current magazines, newspapers and other serials. Also, the library's holdings include sound recordings, audiovisual materials, etc.), and maps.

Instructions on how to use this blog will appear shortly.